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Resetting Rhythms and Redefining Success in the Rushed World!

I've been so over the whole "Go! Go! Go" pace our generation has been suffering from for quite a while now. The chronic sense of "there aren't enough hours in the day" has recently made me recognize that, this can't be right. It just can't be normal. If we constantly "don't have time," this simply means the timeline is just. not. possible! Period. 

I'm now slowly learning to readjust my expectations and my timeline. As a high achiever my entire life, this is NOT something I've learned to do, like at all! If something needs to be done, you do it! The whole "When there's a will, there's a way" bonanza! 

But as I always tell my clients, it's always about balance. Anything that goes beyond its balance point will inevitably tip over. So, yes, when there's a will, there IS a way. I will absolutely, always, a 100% wholeheartedly believe in that and follow that. I just need to learn how pause, step back, and reassess the TIMELINE of that "way." 

Because I also learned that burnout brings everything to complete HALT! And often at a TERRIBLE time! Probably the worst time, actually. So it's really a win-win here: both for my wellbeing AND my goals, I really need to slow down! 

One thing I struggled with but slowly recognized is that allowing myself to adjust my timeline, reprioritize, or learn what to drop does NOT mean I'm lowering my standards or that I'm shying away from challenges. It simply means I'm becoming wiser and more realistic in those standards and expectations. It really means I'm growing to a better version of myself who is not so childish and unreasonable when it comes to, well, life!

It's about recognizing that life is no sprint run; it's a freakin' marathon! You gotta pace yourself if you want to get there. This is not "letting myself off the hook;" I'm actually able to hold myself accountable even more because the way I'm going about things is way more sustainable and can go a longer way. And if I'm not mindful of burnout, it won't just bring things to a stop for a while, it sometimes derails our entire journey!

There's obviously a learning curve to this journey, and I'm slowly learning to embrace the trial-and-error phase and the ebbs and flows of my progress. But what I'm certain about is that I know that I will land in a much better place than the one I thought my "over-productivity" would get me!


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